
One Week to Go!!!

January 30th is just seven days around the corner and our little girl is going to be arriving.
Tweak a little here and Voila: Insta-baby! Just like there are old wives tales for determining the gender of the baby, there are tales for how to get labor started. If you’ve made it to 39 weeks and haven’t had your baby yet, expect to start hearing them soon.
For some reason, the thought of an impending birth makes women and men think they have the right to tell you what to do to get things moving. I can’t tell you how many times someone has told me, insistingly that their aunt drank castor oil before going into labor. Or how about mixing vinegar, honey and tuna? mmm sounds like a great dish to me :0)

I think I'll go with doing back flips on the trampoline that sounds the most fun!

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